Thursday, 29 November 2012



Congeniality literally
 - Offering in language of English come from word of offer meaning offer, bargain, offering and telling. So that congeniality of offering can be told as an expression expressing, offering / on the market something  that good others of aid and others

Grammatically English
- Congeniality of offer according to economics is the amount of goods at one particular market which wish to be sold by all seller at the time of certain with various price storey level

According to management science marketing area
- Offering is an activity which on the market certain in number by seller at one particular certain price storey level

Offer example in management science in marketing area
 Follow the example of offer in management science in area offer of letter form. Offering letter is letter of seller to containing buyer candidate  offering of service or goods. Offer of service or goods of seller to buyer candidate earn happened caused by request of offer of buyer candidate.
 In consequence, offering letter can be differentiated to become:
1. Offer of  Initiative seller.
2. Offer as Reciprocation Letter Request of Offering.


Jl. Megani III ( Old Banana of III)
Cipinang-Jakarta East
Telp. 4711217

 No : 819/BA/III/90
 Director of PT. Wish Miraculously
 Prosperity  street No. 18
 Jakarta Center
            Matter : Offer Of Typewriter IBM
 Dear Sirs,
            As According To Letter Request Of Offer of Father of Nomor22/Bs/88, herewith we tender the following electrics typewriter:
 1. Brand and Colour : Red IBM
2. Size measure and Type : 24 DD-500 feet
3. Year Making : 1989
4. Price : Rp. 4.900.000 ( four million nine hundreds thousand )
5. Payment : Cash On Delivery ( COD )
6. Delivery : Post Free Buyer
7. Nature Of Offer : Free
            So that clearer to Father, herewith we figure in typewriter brochure.
That way this offer is we submit, hopefully Mr. having the pleasure to order. For your kind attention we render thanks.

 Yours Faithfully

 Drs. Oesman

 Enclosure : one sheet
Order letter and its reciprocation
            Order letter order is letter of buyer  to seller which  it contents order goods or ask certain service. Ordering conducted by after know information about service or goods to buy the. The information obtained to pass offering letter, advertisement or pass officer of marketing of company of seller. The information will become order letter aid base.

Letter offer reciprocation example:
 No : 071/SP/III/90
 Head of PT. Manado
 Happy street No. 18
 Jakarta East
 Matter : Ordering Of Goods Electronic
 Dear Sirs,
 We thank you for Your offering letter No.073/Spen/3/90 accompanied by price list and brochure. Pursuant to offer, herewith we order the following goods
  1. Three washing machine unit of Sanyo model S-100
      @ Rp.450.000,00…............................................................... Rp. 1.350.000,00
  1. Four unit fan KDK angina model F-100S
@ Rp. 75.000,00…………………………………………… Rp.    300.000,00
  1. Five unit of rice Hitachi cooker model AF-35
 @ Rp. 125.000,00………………………………………….. Rp.   625.000,00
 Amount of………………….. Rp. 2.275.000,00
 Discount 10%......................... Rp.    275.000,00
 Amount of equal to………..... Rp. 2.047.500,00
            Payment of COD in our office. We hope before 28 March goods is we have accept.
 For Your Kind Attention, we say thank you.

                                                                                                Yours Faithfully

 Rhema Youth Yoga
Public Form of Offering
 Offering use modals in forming of its sentence
 * I would
 The example
- Would I something work you help
- Would I phone your off switch

* Can I
 The example
 - Can I coffee a you make
 - Can I tie a you wear

* May I
 The example
- May I clothes some you give
 - May I ruler a you keep

* Shall I
 Shall is the same as with just will only is  shall can only be used by I subyek with we
 - Shall I money uncle my by sent be
- Shall I Tomorrow you visit

* Should I
 Past Should I form of  shall I
 The example
 - Should I money uncle my by sent be
- Should I Tomorrow you visit

Sentence form of offering in Language sentence of English, offering use
 modals in its sentence structure.
 a. To offer something modals the used is  and will of would with you subyek.
 - Will You whirky have, Don?
 - Would You drink to like ?

b. To offer service help others, modals the used is " can, may, and shall of should ' with suyjek " I or of we "
-         Can we give you a lift to the town?
-         \May I help you?
-         Shall I spell that for you?
-         Should I give a ring?

Sentence form of offering in everyday life.
1. Offering aid
- Shall I help you?
- Can I help you?
- Let me help you like me to help you?
 - Would you like me not open it? ( negative offering )
a. Accepting bargain
- Yes, Please. Thank You much
- Very you of kind you of That's, you thank

b. Refusing bargain
- No, Thank You
- It's alright. I Can manage.

2. Offering food and beverage
- Do you want to have a glass of tea?
- Would you like something to eat?
- Will you have something to drink?
- Won’t you have something to eat?
             * Accepting : Yes, please. You Thank
 * Refusing : Note, you thank
         Not now, thank you I’ve just had my breakfast
Rani        : Can I help you with your bag, Ina?
Ina          : Yes, please. Thank you
Rani        : Let me carry the umbrella two
Ina          : Not, Thank you. It’s right. ( Thanks alright )

Dian        : There are some rise, bread, coffee and tea on the table.
Arul         : Yes, Please. Thank you
Dian        : Do you want to have some fish?
Arul         : No, thank you, I’ve just had some.

3. Offering in offering aid
 Functioning to offer aid in the form of work or something.
-         Can I help you to do this?
-         May I help you to do this?
-         Would you mind posting this letter?



Congeniality literally
 - Offering in language of English come from word of offer meaning offer, bargain, offering and telling. So that congeniality of offering can be told as an expression expressing, offering / on the market something  that good others of aid and others

Grammatically English
- Congeniality of offer according to economics is the amount of goods at one particular market which wish to be sold by all seller at the time of certain with various price storey level

According to management science marketing area
- Offering is an activity which on the market certain in number by seller at one particular certain price storey level

Offer example in management science in marketing area
 Follow the example of offer in management science in area offer of letter form. Offering letter is letter of seller to containing buyer candidate  offering of service or goods. Offer of service or goods of seller to buyer candidate earn happened caused by request of offer of buyer candidate.
 In consequence, offering letter can be differentiated to become:
1. Offer of  Initiative seller.
2. Offer as Reciprocation Letter Request of Offering.


Jl. Megani III ( Old Banana of III)
Cipinang-Jakarta East
Telp. 4711217

 No : 819/BA/III/90
 Director of PT. Wish Miraculously
 Prosperity  street No. 18
 Jakarta Center
            Matter : Offer Of Typewriter IBM
 Dear Sirs,
            As According To Letter Request Of Offer of Father of Nomor22/Bs/88, herewith we tender the following electrics typewriter:
 1. Brand and Colour : Red IBM
2. Size measure and Type : 24 DD-500 feet
3. Year Making : 1989
4. Price : Rp. 4.900.000 ( four million nine hundreds thousand )
5. Payment : Cash On Delivery ( COD )
6. Delivery : Post Free Buyer
7. Nature Of Offer : Free
            So that clearer to Father, herewith we figure in typewriter brochure.
That way this offer is we submit, hopefully Mr. having the pleasure to order. For your kind attention we render thanks.

 Yours Faithfully

 Drs. Oesman

 Enclosure : one sheet
Order letter and its reciprocation
            Order letter order is letter of buyer  to seller which  it contents order goods or ask certain service. Ordering conducted by after know information about service or goods to buy the. The information obtained to pass offering letter, advertisement or pass officer of marketing of company of seller. The information will become order letter aid base.

Letter offer reciprocation example:
 No : 071/SP/III/90
 Head of PT. Manado
 Happy street No. 18
 Jakarta East
 Matter : Ordering Of Goods Electronic
 Dear Sirs,
 We thank you for Your offering letter No.073/Spen/3/90 accompanied by price list and brochure. Pursuant to offer, herewith we order the following goods
  1. Three washing machine unit of Sanyo model S-100
      @ Rp.450.000,00…............................................................... Rp. 1.350.000,00
  1. Four unit fan KDK angina model F-100S
@ Rp. 75.000,00…………………………………………… Rp.    300.000,00
  1. Five unit of rice Hitachi cooker model AF-35
 @ Rp. 125.000,00………………………………………….. Rp.   625.000,00
 Amount of………………….. Rp. 2.275.000,00
 Discount 10%......................... Rp.    275.000,00
 Amount of equal to………..... Rp. 2.047.500,00
            Payment of COD in our office. We hope before 28 March goods is we have accept.
 For Your Kind Attention, we say thank you.

                                                                                                Yours Faithfully

 Rhema Youth Yoga
Public Form of Offering
 Offering use modals in forming of its sentence
 * I would
 The example
- Would I something work you help
- Would I phone your off switch

* Can I
 The example
 - Can I coffee a you make
 - Can I tie a you wear

* May I
 The example
- May I clothes some you give
 - May I ruler a you keep

* Shall I
 Shall is the same as with just will only is  shall can only be used by I subyek with we
 - Shall I money uncle my by sent be
- Shall I Tomorrow you visit

* Should I
 Past Should I form of  shall I
 The example
 - Should I money uncle my by sent be
- Should I Tomorrow you visit

Sentence form of offering in Language sentence of English, offering use
 modals in its sentence structure.
 a. To offer something modals the used is  and will of would with you subyek.
 - Will You whirky have, Don?
 - Would You drink to like ?

b. To offer service help others, modals the used is " can, may, and shall of should ' with suyjek " I or of we "
-         Can we give you a lift to the town?
-         \May I help you?
-         Shall I spell that for you?
-         Should I give a ring?

Sentence form of offering in everyday life.
1. Offering aid
- Shall I help you?
- Can I help you?
- Let me help you like me to help you?
 - Would you like me not open it? ( negative offering )
a. Accepting bargain
- Yes, Please. Thank You much
- Very you of kind you of That's, you thank

b. Refusing bargain
- No, Thank You
- It's alright. I Can manage.

2. Offering food and beverage
- Do you want to have a glass of tea?
- Would you like something to eat?
- Will you have something to drink?
- Won’t you have something to eat?
             * Accepting : Yes, please. You Thank
 * Refusing : Note, you thank
         Not now, thank you I’ve just had my breakfast
Rani        : Can I help you with your bag, Ina?
Ina          : Yes, please. Thank you
Rani        : Let me carry the umbrella two
Ina          : Not, Thank you. It’s right. ( Thanks alright )

Dian        : There are some rise, bread, coffee and tea on the table.
Arul         : Yes, Please. Thank you
Dian        : Do you want to have some fish?
Arul         : No, thank you, I’ve just had some.

3. Offering in offering aid
 Functioning to offer aid in the form of work or something.
-         Can I help you to do this?
-         May I help you to do this?
-         Would you mind posting this letter?



Industri adalah suatu kelompok perusahaan yang menghasilkan produk yang mirip satu dengan yang lainnya dan dapat saling dipertukarkan
Menurut MICHAEL E. PORTER, Terdapat 5 Kekuatan yang Mempengaruhi Persaingan
dalam suatu Industri:

1.  Ancaman pendatang baru
      Pendatang baru berarti bahwa harga akan ditekan serendah mungkin dan keuntungan dibuat kecil,
      akibatnya profitabilitas industri menurunHambatan untuk masuk dalam industri menentukan tingkat
      ancaman dari pendatang  baru dalam suatu industri

2. Ancaman produk pengganti
      Ketersediaan produk pengganti memberi batas pada harga yang dapat ditentukan oleh pemimpin pasar
      dalam suatu industriHarga yang tinggi dapat memicu pembeli untuk beralih kepada produk pengganti.

3. Kekuatan tawar menawar dari pemasok
      Tujuan akhir dari pelanggan industri adalah membayar harga serendah mungkin untuk memperoleh
       produk atau jasa yang dipergunakannya sebagai input.
    Pembeli mempunyai pengaruh atas pemasok apabila:
  vMembeli dalam jumlah besar sehingga perusahaan pemasok bergantung pada bisnis pembeli agar
       dapat tetap bertahan hidup
  vProduk pemasok adalah komoditas
  vProduk industri pemasok mewakili bagian yang signifikan dari biaya perusahaan pembeli
  vPembeli bersedia dan mampu untuk melakukan integrasi ke hulu

  4. Kekuatan tawar menawar dari pembeli
      Bila pemasok mempunyai daya tuas yang cukup banyak atas perusahaan industri, mereka dapat
      menaikkan harga yang cukup tinggi untuk mempengaruhi profitabilitas perusahaan pelanggan mereka.
      Kemampuan pemasok untuk memperoleh daya tuas perusahaan industri ditentukan oleh faktor sbb:
  vPemasok akan mempunyai keunggulan bila mereka besar dan jumlahnya relatif sedikit
  vProduk pemasok merupakan masukan penting bagi perusahaan industri, terdiferensiasi atau
        menanggung biaya pengalihan
  vJumlah produk pengganti relatif sedikit
  vPemasok bersedia dan mampu menjual produk sendiri

 5. Persaingan kompetitif diantara anggota industri (rivalitas diantara pesaing)
     Rivalitas diantara perusahaan mengacu pada semua tindakan yang diambil oleh perusahaan dalam
     industri untuk memperbaiki posisi mereka masing2 dan memperoleh keunggulan satu sama lain dalam
     hal seperti:
vPersaingan harga
vPertempuran iklan
vPenetapan posisi produk